DESIGNING with THE Pendant - The Curved Line - STRAIGHT LINE, "V" LINE, CURVED LINE, & "S" LINE As you see from the previous page, the S shape was not quite right and balance. Now we are looking from the different perspectives "The Pendant" Here are the four basic shapes. How do you feel about them ? Do they seem to work as pendants. In my opinion the answer is yes ; and the range of design will be show in Illustrator path formate. Remember these are all basic concepts and are simple presented to help you understand jewelry in its basic form. The Design Sideview The differing side views can make these simple pendants very interesting. Later diamonds will be added and I will do a pencil shading exercise and a full rendering in color of each style. The side views will help the model maker to see clearer about how the design needs to be done. Note above the side views they are numbered 1 thru 3 with the front ...