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Here is another view of the Curved link bracelet with a lined side view as mentioned earlier on the basic page.*

Below is a photo of the Inside dimensions of a cult bracelet and a bangle bracelet .

Notice the difference in their shapes.
The oval is also used as a guide for link bracelets.

The round bangle is made to slide over the hand and is very loose on the wrist. These are often stackable's wearing more then two at a time.

cult bracelet and a bangle bracelet

The measurements of the ID- oval cult is 61x55 mm
The measurements of the ID- bangle is. 63 mm and may differ for different size hands.

As you might know there are the other parts of the collection consisting of Necklace / pendants, earrings of different styles and rings.

The most popular jewelry items are the rings and earring followed by necklace pendants and bracelets. So we started with the lease popular and now we will invest time in the remaining items.

So let's do a basic necklace and pendant.
I want to just insert a small drawing of pencil shading at this point to spark your interest. What do you think?

Can you see the 2 dimensions that seem to rise off the paper by just adding a simple shadow? 
*** Remember!  that Light source is always from the upper left.

Back to the necklace and pendant.
First, we make a circle with our compass. The measurement is radios- 62 or diameter of 124 this is standard to design necklaces. Folding the tracing paper is always a good idea just to find your center.
Us a separate piece of tracing paper as an overlay to design the kind of necklace you want to make. There may be many options to choose from in your imagination.

In the photo below which of the 6 items as a design does not seem to work? There could be more than one.

If you said the "S" shape you are correct. The long straight line above is in question as well. The short straight line above the long straight line seems to work better.

This can happen and when you are designing you will , after a while, develop a sense of good taste. It might take a while but it will come.

There is always balance and the "S" does not have the balance, the long straight bar feels not quite right.  
Now let's look at this from a different direction " the Pendants "

Continue to The Pendants - designing with Lines


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